Thursday, May 27, 2010

27th May

Com Lab's Whiteboard: "If you play a fool, you will get a fool's seat"

Mr Rao: "Remember! When suddenly the wind blows, remember to catch your friends. Some of them can fly!!"

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

25th May

Chinese lesson *Interpreted*
NGKK: "Daniel! Do you have the other half?"
Daniel: "!"
NGKK: "What is the other half?"
Daniel: "My mother, father.."

Ms Yap: "Tomorrow I will flash for you to see! Is that Okay?!"

Monday, May 24, 2010

24th May

Talking about sports day...

Mr Chui: "..then the cleaners say WAH! SO CLEAN AR?!? NO LITTER AT ALL! WHICH SCHOOL IS THIS AR?? Then I say *Macho voice..OMG* GGGREEEENRIDGGGGE SECONDARY SCHOOL!!!" *Laughters*

Friday, May 21, 2010

21st May

Okay..this is just for me...Nationals lane 8, heats lane 8, sports day ALSO lane 8 for 200m
Ryan: "Mr Tan! Why I lane 8 again?!?!"
Tan: "Good what? Your favourite lane!"

Man..I'm starting to think Mr Tan did it on purpose. ha ha! Just Jokin'!!! :D

Thursday, May 20, 2010

20th May

*School bell rings* "Why are you so anxious to go for Assembly ar?"

Mr Chui: "4Es have a lot of difficulty sitting down" (Sure, maybe we're disabled or something)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

18th May

Morning Assembly: The student councilors give their BOASTFUL speech on why they should be chosen as the President, and go on babbling about the 'Good Qualities' they have as a leader...That's worst then me.
Mr Chui: *CLAPS CLAPS CLAPS CLAPS CLAPS* (With the intention of being a "Good example") *Looks around* "Nobody!"

Daniel: "Mdm Heng get C6 for her Chinese ar?" (Mdm Heng heard it)
Mdm Heng: "Yes! I got C6 for my Chinese and I'm proud of it!"

Monday, May 17, 2010

17th May

Mr Rao: "How many marks you get depends on your name. Your name is longer they give more marks! ALI! Because your name has only one word, you get only one marks...You see Daniel Tan! Because your name has two words, you get two marks..."

That way, wouldn't Bhogaraju Bhimasankara Rao get sooo many marks? LOL!
ps: Had a hard time spellin' and finding out his name, gotta thank me for that :::P

Thursday, May 13, 2010

13th May

Hey peeps! How are your results for your examinations? Good? Don't be sad K? (I'm not that good either :P)

Ali: "Roy-Give-Birth-In-Vagina" ??? Izit right? Can't hear from where I'm sitting..