Monday, April 5, 2010

5th April

Speechless... *LAUGHTER*

Mr Rao: "If you leave all blanks... I'll show you the beauty of it!"

Durin' borin' Chinese lesson...
Ryan: "I wonder what scouts and UG groups do nia! I only see them march! March! March! March! March only"
Daniel: "NPCC march everyday, build a tent at the exact same spot with the exact same people every Saturday. NCC march and dance (?) with the music. St. John march and do first aid..."
Ryan: "I see. I guess NPCC poke the ground at the the exact same spot every time they make a 'tent' too, and also that they love to get scoldings...SO WHAT DO SCOUTS DO???"
Daniel: "Scouts...I don't tell you.."
*After much pestering*
Daniel: "Only I know. The juniors don't know. I don't bother to tell them anyway..."
Ryan: "Fine. Whatever...So what do Girl Guides do anyway?
Daniel: "Don't know, I think they only do marching.." *Giggles*
Ryan: "Ivy! Girl Guides only march ar??!"
Ivy: "........." (something...something...bla...bla...bla...)

no offense to UG groups...(bet u hate UG cca too?)

Daniel: "Naa!"

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